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Chi' Pendant | On-going Research New!
WATER CRYSTAL: Dr. Masaru Emoto's Pioneering Research
Dr. Masaru Emoto's discovery about water crystal is unlike the scientific components of H2O i.e., 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water is the base of human life, and an abundant compound on the earth's surface -- a gift from God. Dr. Emoto's continuous work on his project of "Love and Thanks to Water" is a call to mankind to appreciate water. Dr. Emoto discovered that water responds to our words, music and photographs. Debbe Kennedy has a wonderful water crystal gallery known as "Wisdom from water". Some pictures of the water crystal from Debbe Kennedy's gallery is made available here for easy viewing.
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As treated tap water contains chlorine and other impurities, it becomes "dead" water which is reportedly that water crystals have difficulty forming in water from almost all major cities. To enliven or vivify this dead water to fresh "living" water as from Jordan River, many devices have been invented with an attempt to restore water to its original freshness and quality. Apart from responding to positive words, water is believed to respond to resonance frequency and scalar energy. Bio Disc, reportedly invented by Dr. Ian Lyons, has been claimed by many patients that it helps to restore their health and cure sicknesses through drinking this "vivified" or "energized" water.
Jordan River where Jesus was baptised, flows between Israel on the West and Palestine on the East -- a crystal clear water and a source of "living water" |
Bio Disc is known to restore the life force energy back to our tap water that has lost its original quality from chlorine treatment and water pump effect.
Ch'i Pendant & Bio Disc |
What is Bio Disc and Scalar energy?
Dr Masaru Emoto's project of "Love and Thanks to Water"
Debbe Kennedy's water crystal gallery "Wisdom from Water"
Dr Amir Farid Isahak's Research on Ch'i or Qi Energy
BioNorth Northern Israel Life sciences and Biotechnology Network's news German-Israeli cooperation in Biotechnology "BIO-DISC" Research
Hado Life USA: How to take Water Crystal Pictures
Healing Power of Water : Exclusive Interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj by Mike Adams Health Ranger
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Chi' Pendant | On-going Research