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Dr. Ian Lyons How Bio Disc comes into existence? Dr. Ian developed the Bio technology originally to use it in his hydrotherapy pool for his heart transplant patients. It is used to remove the effects of chlorine from water. The chlorine used in the hydrotherapy pool would not let the open wound heal. Furthermore, the chlorine effects coming off the water was causing asthmatic conditions to the lungs of the heart transplant patient. Dr Ian was a heart transplant surgeon in the British army before the age of
25. But he left the army and did a soul searching. He ended up in India and then
to Nepal. He met two monks in a bus in Nepal and followed the monks to their
monastery in Tibet. Dr. Ian spent 2 years with the monks in the monastery. Dr. Ian Lyons, is a managing director of Quantum Intelligence Sdn Bhd (Co.
144660-V ) in Kuala Lumpur that
imports Bio Disc from
SCHOTT AG Grunenplan Plant in Germany.
Common Facts about Bio Disc Fact 1 : Made out of special glass material
the same as found in front of the Space Shuttle. Fact 3 : These mineral generates a natural
lifeforce bio-frequency resonance also known as 'chi' energy. Prognos machine
has tested its positive energy emitting capability. Fact 5 : Portable size. No power source is
required. Fact 7 : All the swimming pools of the 6-star Burj-al-Arab Hotel in Dubai, uses the the same technology of the BioDisc to energise their swimming pool water. Chlorine is still there but its taste and smell are masked from the swimmers' senses. Fact 8 : Rose farmers in Australia uses
BioDisc technology to create energised water from the desert salt water to be
used in their farms land.
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